Törnävä Museum Area

In the Törnävä Museum Area, the visitor has an opportunity to learn about the history and peasant life of the Region of South Ostrobothnia. The Liinamaa House, together with its courtyard buildings, forms a typical South Ostrobothnian courtyard setting with its cow house, drying barn and numerous granaries. In the Liinamaa House and Paapantupa (‘Granpa’s House’), situated in its vicinity, the visitor can sense the life in a bygone era. The rooms feature lots of utility articles, textiles and furniture related to peasant life and craftsmanship in South Ostrobothnia.

There are a total of 18 buildings moved into the museum area from different parts of the region. The oldest ones are from the 17th century and the newest ones from the end of the 19th century. The area features e.g. an impressive windmill, which used to belong to the Manor of Östermyra.

The stone-built cowshed houses a basic exhibition about the history of South Ostrobothnia, a room for changing exhibitions, museum shop, information desk and ticket office, as well as a café.


Törnäväntie 23
60200 FI
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