Satakunta Museum
Satakunta Museum was established by The Pori Finnish Society in 1888. Property of the City of Pori, the museum resides in a building designed by architect Olaf Küttner in 1973. Since 1980, Satakunta Museum has conducted the role of central regional museum. The museum is a promoter and supervisor of museum activity and is the leading expert authority on the preservation of the cultural heritage and environment of the province of Satakunta.
“The Satakunta rises from the waters´ lap” exhibition familiarizes our guests with past and present times in Satakunta. Temporary exhibitions are held at Sali and Kamari. The museum tugboat Santtu also awaits visitors on the island of Reposaari.
Besides exhibitions, Satakunta Museum also organises lectures, workshops, children’s activities and other events. The museum also organises activities for senior citizens and collaborates actively with schools.